Annual General Meeting

AGM at the Renfield Centre 12 for 12.30pm followed by lunch and members' book launch of In the Glen of the Dark Goddess. Download booking form here

Spring Bash

Our annual social get-together for members with a buffet lunch and guest speaker. Paul Noble, Going Down Under, a virtual trip beneath the floorboards of a Glasgow house.

Winter Zoom talks 2025, Peter McNiven, Placenames and dating peat clearance on the Carse of Stirling

. It will attempt to use place-names as a tool for the rough dating of peat clearance on the carse basically between Stirling and Falkirk, showing peat had been cleared, or potentially so, for around 1500 years. It also argues that Lord Kames' clearance of peat at Blairdrummond was part of the latest phase, not … Continue reading "Winter Zoom talks 2025, Peter McNiven, Placenames and dating peat clearance on the Carse of Stirling"