Thanks to everyone who attended the February Bash on Saturday Feb 26. It was another successful event which was attended by not only ‘the usual suspects’, but also a good number of new members. Special thanks to our guest speaker Heather James whose presentation ‘Hunting for medieval settlement in Mid Argyl’ was well received. A summary of her presentation will be included in the next newsletter.
Author: Acfa Editor
ACFA Photo Competition 2010 Results
Humour Category – Winner: Dorothy Gormlie
First Woman – Mine’s bigger than yours
Second Woman – but mine’s cuddly with big ears.
Archaeology Category (joint winners)
Fred Hay
An Teampull Rona
Wendy Raine
Cultivation Terraces
Spirit of ACFA – Winner: Fred Hay
Committed Concentrated Certificated
Overall winner and Quaich Winner: Fred Hay
Fred Hay
First Year of the Rona survey
The recent visit to Rona and the and beginning of the survey of Dry Harbour, Isle of Rona took place at the end of May in glorious sunshine. About half of Dry Harbour settlement, the main settlement on Rona, was drawn up by a small team. The immediate environs were walked with great difficulty since the vegetation and terrain are very much against us, with heavy scrub, brambles and bracken cover and rough rocky ground.
The accommodation was very comfortable, the food great and the company excellent.
Further discussion on the survey will take place at the AGM in November.
Bute Project – Coming out of Winter’s Darkness
Winter obviously isn’t over yet, but at least the days are noticeably longer, and it’s time to get out and look at some more of Bute’s coastline. The report on last year’s work is now complete and I hope to have printed copies ready soon. This year’s work will be starting at Stravannan Bay (where the last survey finished) and moving on round the south coast of the island, ending up at Kilchattan Bay. If you are interested in taking part, the following dates are now in the calendar: Wednesday 23rd February Tuesday 8th March Wednesday 23rd March Contact via
Equipment Reminder
A reminder to everyone that ACFA holds survey equipment such as boards, radios, GPS, compasses available to ACFA members planning a survey.