New Survey Starts in Kilsyth Hills

On a bright sunny November Sunday a group of ACFA members set off to start a new survey in the hills behind Kilsyth.  Further information can be found in the survey section.


A survey of the Kilsyth Hills started in November 2105. This work has been instigated now that the large Glen Lochay survey is coming to an end and thus there will be gaps in the year between other proposed surveys, such as Tiree, when little or no fieldwork will take place.

The Kilsyth Hills are noted for their extensive areas of rig but two small ‘shieling’ groups have been found above the old head dykes. Other features include millstone extraction sites and the deserted farmstead of Drumtrocher.

Posted on Categories Surveys

New look for AGM

Members gathered for a new style annual general meeting, a lunchtime event at a new venue, Glasgow Council for Voluntary Service’s Albany Centre, with a new caterer.  The changes were met with approval from members who deemed them a success.

Chairperson, Dugie MacInnes, welcomed members and reported on a busy ACFA year with a number of surveys and participation in archaeological activities in co-operation with other organisations.

Dugie presented winner of the photography competition, Janie Munro, with the ACFA Memorial Quaich.