ACFA had a strong presence at the launch of Dig It! 2015, the year of Scottish Archaeology, on Saturday March 15 at Rouken Glen Park. Our stall attracted a lot of interest and committee members and other ACFA members had a great opportunity to network with a wide range of Scottish archaeology groups as well as talking to members of the public about our work. Highlights of the day included demonstrations of kite aerial photography and a medieval re-enactment group.
ACFA members led a walk-over of the archaeology of the park followed in the afternoon by a training session introducing a group of volunteers to the joy of field survey which was an authentic ACFA experience conducted in the teeth of a howling gale and threatening rain. On Sunday Ian Marshall, Susan Hunter and Janie Munro returned to the park to ‘reccie’ sites for future surveying as part of the Rouken Glen Adopt-a-Monument project.